Best Film Schools In Cairo Near Me

One Shot Workshop Pro Step Film School High Cinema Institute Cairo Ad School Malvern College Egypt أكاديمية دهب للتدريب الإعلامي والفنون The American University in Cairo Cairo University Cairo American College Helen O'Grady Academy The British International School, Cairo Academy Of Arts Pakistan International School Smart Village Schools CAD Masters - كاد ماسترز للكورسات الهندسية والجرافيك Reachout Academy Deutsche Evangelische Oberschule Kairo

1. One Shot Workshop

· 10 reviews

21A Obour Buildings, Salah Salem, Cairo, Egypt, Floor 15, Apt. 6, Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp
One Shot Workshop: what do users think?
Maryam Naguib: Wrong cell number
Ahmed A.Ismail: Cinematography ,Novel writing & others
Ahmed Hossam: تحفه مكان محترم جدا محترف جدا و هتتعلموا فيه حاجات كتيييييير حلوه
مطبخ صنع في منزلنا: باذن الله اكون معاكم قريبا

2. Pro Step Film School



· 24 reviews

st. off, 27, Iraq, Mit Akaba, Agouza, Giza Governorate, Egypt

Address WhatsApp
Pro Step Film School: what do users think?
Basem Essa: لا أنصح بالتعامل معهم انهم يهتمون بالمال فقطو كذابين
محمد جويلي Mohamed GweLY: ناس محترمه واستقبالهم جميل
Puny dodo: يحتاج الي نظافة وتجديد
Mohamed Mabrouk: مكان متميز ويقدم خدمة تدريب رائعة في مجالات السينما المختلفة
Rizk Ibrahim: جميل جدًا بس التكييف مكانش شغال وانا كنت حران وحزين
Khaled Afify: If any one what's to learn acting of cinemaGo to pro step film has all th ages .The location: المهندسين شارع شيهاب 27 شارع العراق
أسامة السايح - osama essaih: دورات سعرها 6900 جنيه مصري
Mostafa Shams: مكان محترم .. دورات في التمثيل و الاخراج وغيره
شهد الفخراني Shahd Elfakhrany: مكان بيتأجر لأي ميتنج او اي بروفات سواء تمثيل او غناء او كورسات
Khaled Hegazy: I had a bad experience there.Bad behaviour people like Amr and Bassant.They just want money not to give value in their workshops specially Sameh Selim's workshop.
Fares Rammah: got promised that my course will start during the month,waited for 3 entire months and still nothing.called them back a trillion times, no answer.. (not even a call back) !i am definetly going to take my money back from this very unprofessional and very disorganized excuse they call an agency.

3. High Cinema Institute

· 169 reviews

ش جمال الدين الافغانى, Al Omraneyah Al Gharbeyah, Giza District, Giza Governorate, Egypt

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High Cinema Institute: what do users think?
ماهر عطاء متعهد ابتسامات: We want to study diploma
Eslam Tozer: The end of Wimpy Street from the pyramid
شريف عرفه: I wish to enter the acting institute, this is my dream
Mo awad: beautiful strong
Eman Ragab: Experience of teaching in the fields of work for the film industryBut the administrators must choose teachers and retire doctors who are over their age to teachThis edifice must be developed
Ragab Salah: For your information, I went to the Higher Institute of Cinema because my son wants to join the institute in the Department of Sound Engineering. The institute is located in Khatam Al-Mursaleen St., opposite Sayed Darwish Art Hall.
يوسف بشاره: very good
Wael Abo taleb: It is an institute specialized in cinema science and industry and is one of the oldest institutes in the Middle East
Ahmed Desha: ❤️❤️
Sulaiman saleh Bashathi: Nice institute
Mahmoud Ali: It is very racist that the institute does not accept Al-Azhari or his protégés and deals with them as nothing, even though they are educational systems belonging to Egypt and not from people's brains. Although these students may have the talent and vision that will make them artists, but because they did not graduate from general secondary school, their dream ended here.
nasr ALI alshamy (‫المصري الشامي‬‎): Needs to be developed
Maha mimo: Very beautiful
Waleed Barakat: It is one of the respected institutes that offer sophisticated and civilized art and in a very beautiful area..Egypt is the mother of the world and it will separate the mother of the world..Long live Egypt, long live Egypt, long live Egypt.
momen Faiz (GOLD BERG): The place is intended for the governorate building in Giza and the institute where a large elite of artists and directors learnedIts location is between Khatam Al-Morselin St. and Al-Haram St
Ahmed Alaa: 👍
البدرى حسانين: معهد لدراسة التمثيل والسينما وملحق به قصر ثقافة
raif hajj: اجمل معهد دخلتو في حياتي وانتو اي رأيكم
عبدالرحمن توفيق ابوالفتوح: معهد السينما ♥️♥️
mina rawhy: وجهة صحيحة ولكن في صعوبه في انتظار السيارات وازدحام بشكل مستمر
خالد رمضان مسعود البعو: في عام 1957 بدأت أولى خطوات الدولة لتنظيم صناعة السينما في مصر وتوجيهها في إطار السياسة العامة لها، وكانت أولى هذه الخطوات اصدار القرار الجمهورى رقم 945 لسنة 1957 بإنشاء مؤسسة دعم السينما الملحقة بوزارة الإرشاد القومى والتي بهدف:دعم السينما في مصر برفع المستوى الفنى والمهنى لها.تشجيع عرض الأفلام داخل البلاد وخارجها.اقراض المشتغلين بالإنتاج السينمائي وضمانهم لدى دور الائتمان وذلك لتمكينهم من توجيه إنتاجهم بما يتمشى مع السياسة التخطيطية للدولة.و من هنا فان إنشاء المعهد العالى للسينما عام 1959 الذي بدأت الدراسة به في 24 أكتوبر من نفس العام، وتبنّى إصداره د. ثروت عكاشة، وزير الثقافة المصري الأسبق في عهد جمال عبد الناصر. ولقد ارتبط بتنفيذ سياسة الدولة في مجال السينما وخاصة في البند الأول الذي اعلن كهدف لإنشاء مؤسسة دعم السينما برفع المستوى الفني والمهني للسينما المصرية، وإعداد كادر سينمائي جديد للعمل بالقطاع العام الجديد لإنتاج الأفلام السينمائية في مصر، حيث لم تكد تمضى اربعة شهور فقط على افتتاح المعهد حتى تم تأميم صناعة السينما في فبراير 1960 وآلت شركة مصر للتمثيل والسينما إلى الدولة نتيجة لتأميم بنك مصر وفروعه، كما تم تأميم شركات التوزيع والاستوديوهات ودرو العرض الرئيسية.[1]و عين المخرج السينمائي محمد كريم كأول عميد لمعهد السينما وعهد اليه بوضع نظام التدريس بالمعهد وتم ايفاده من قبل الدولة إلى الخارج للاطلاع على نظم دراسة السينما في عدد من الدول.يهدف المعهد العالي للسينما إلى إعداد وتأهيل الكوادر الفنية الدارسة للعلوم السينمائية والتليفزيونية وتأهيل الخريجين علميا وعمليا للعمل في مجال صناعة السينما ومحطات التلفزة وفقا للتخصصات التي توفروا على دراستها في هذا المجال.العمل على تنمية القدرات الإبداعية للدارسين وتأهيلهم للحصول على أعلى الدرجات العلمية والدراسة التخصصية التي تساهم في رقي الفكر والموهبة لمواكبة تكنولوجيا العصر وعلوم الفضائيات.[2]و بعد ستة وثلاثين عاما من إنشاء المعهد العالى للسينما يمكننا القول بأن المعهد قد نجح تماما في ظهور جيل جديد من السينمائيين في مصر من بين خريجيه الذين يشكلون حاليا أكثر من تسعين بالمائة من العاملين في كافة التخصصات السينمائية، كما ان اعضاء هيئة تدريسه بالكامل من خريجيه الذين نجحوا في انهاء تخصصاتهم الدراسية في درجات الماجستير والدكتوراه بالخارج، وهي الدرجات التي يمنحها المعهد حاليا بالإضافة إلى درجة البكالوريوس ودبلوم الدراسات العليا في كافة التخصصات السينمائية. و تشكل افلام الطلبة التي يقوم المعهد بإنتاجها سنويا ظاهرة هامة في الحياة السينمائية في مصر، حيث يصل عدد الأفلام المنتجة إلى اربعين فيلما سنويا من مقاسات 35 مم و16 مم والفيديو من الأفلام الروائية القصيرة والوثائقية بالإضافة إلى ثمانية عشر فيلما سنويا من افلام الرسوم المتحركة.[1]لقد تحقق الهدف الرئيسى من إنشاء معهد السينما بايجاد الكادر السينمائي الجديد من بين خريجيه بعد عدد من السنوات، وهو ما بدا في سنوات سابقة كأمر بعيد المنال.

4. Cairo Ad School

· 3 reviews

318 North Chouifat , 5th settlement , new cairo / cairo - Egypt, Cairo, Cairo Governorate 11835, Egypt

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Cairo Ad School: what do users think?
Layal Mohamed Islam IbrahimMohamed Ali Ali Salama: Full of positive energy and inspiration, people and place! Very professional and exceeds my expectations!
Omar Sherief: Very professional

5. Malvern College Egypt

· 65 reviews

B2-B3 South Ring Road, Investment Zone Kattameya, Cairo, Egypt Cairo, 11771, Egypt

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Malvern College Egypt: what do users think?
chris schito: Used to be a good school but now managed by amateurs.
زكي قبوري: Malvern College is modern, beautiful, and has a great location
Bulent HARMANCI: Quality of education deteriorating quickly! No teacher classes! Not enough teacher for all subjects! High quality teachers leaving one by one! All because it's managed like a business company NOT A SCHOOL !!!By the parent company!...
Ahmed Effat: high level
علي الشرقاوي: Very very excellent
Finn: Good college my son Benjamin bingleton IV goes here and he got attacked
Kareem Maher vlogs: very very beautiful
Malak Mostafa Mashhour: Terrible experience. Would never set foot into this place ever again. Disrespectful and disgusting in every way possible.
احمد الشربيني: Ali Al-Rayek 😂
Abdullah Farea: Arabic professor is a masterpiece
Hussein Hafez: Its huge and huge:)
Omar Amgad: This is the best school I have ever went to
Mahmoud Yamani: Well managed.
Karim Sherif: Top-knotch school, thanks to a great management and teachers team
Hany Nageb: مدرسة من أفضل المدارس في مصر تضم نخبة متميزة من أفضل المعلمين المتخصصين في كافة المجالات وبها إدارة حكيمة فادرة على رفع مستوى العاملين بها كما يضم هذا الصرح على أحدث أنماط التعليم في العالم .تمنياتي لهم بدوام النجاح والنوفيق
Mohamed Elgoharey: مدرسة ناجحة بإدارة متميزة تحت إدارة الدكتورة عزة الشربيني ومجموعة من أفضل المدرسينالمتخصصين فهي مدرسة من أفضل المدارس اللي شوفتها في حياتي زتحياتي لكافة العاملين على نجاح هذا الصرح العظيم .
محمد الفيومي: مدرسة ذات مستوى تعليمي متميز جدا وراقي بها إدارة تعليمية ناجحة ومتميزة بقيادة الدكتورة عزة الشربيني مدرسة وهذه المدرسة قادرة على خلق شخصيات ناجحة تكون قادرة على مواجهة تحديات الحياة .
Michael Youssef: Best school in Egypt
Haidy Ghaly: Eat school by far in Egypt
Barwani: its bad trust me azouz
myrna shalaby: Our experience of the college is totally incredible!! Our girl had been improved socially and educationally as well! She can perceive letters and numbers in such a short time! More than professional school!

6. أكاديمية دهب للتدريب الإعلامي والفنون

· 35 reviews

16 Hayaat Al Tadrys Square, ST. Mesadaa, First right after Mazlom Tower Dokki, Cairo Governorate, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp
أكاديمية دهب للتدريب الإعلامي والفنون: what do users think?
Adel Kassab: Unfortunately, bad, unorganized and unprofessional treatment.. I registered for the radio course with the Jeddah-Saudi Arabia branch 5 months ago and until now, the course has not been completed, and they do not want to return the money.. I do not recommend dealing with them.
Sayed Abdel Aziz: Excellent and with a distinguished level of education
علاء بطل: the acting
احمدالشريف Ahmedelshrief: The best place to develop skills, discover talents and work on top
Ehab Ayyad: اكبر خازوووووق في الدنيا وهم
Bassem El-Mahdy: Very professional and reliable place
Mahmoud Hamdy: هل يمكن أن يقدم فى هذه الاكاديمية فى السن 16
osama kabo: جميل
Ahmed Hamdy: One of the best arts and film academies
dodo 7777: Non-compliance of lecturers with appointments
Mohamed Elzoghby: Anyone who thinks that he should participate in any course with them, I advise him not to participate because of the experience of a place that is not equipped with trainers who are not academically qualified, and they take advantage of young people looking for a job and pay them large sums and hope that they can work and in the end they do not benefit scientifically or work
Abdelaziz Elsayed: It is not useful at all. There are no supplies or equipment, and its prices are very exaggerated and do not commensurate with the services it provides, which are almost non-existent. I talk about my experience in the course of director Ahmed Khaled Moussa. My advice is to lose any money in them.
Fahd Hosny: I want perfect
احمد توبه: رائع بتوفيق انشاء الله
البوب حبيبي: انا نفسي اكون ممثل
Mohamed Gamal: The best academy in Egypt that will help you to be actor or announcer.

7. The American University in Cairo

· 1376 reviews

AUC Avenue, Road, 11835, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp
The American University in Cairo: what do users think?
marwa mostafa: It is beautiful, its location is beautiful, and the people inside are very respectful, and it is wider and larger than what is in Tahrir
Mahmoud Soliman: The best ever🇺🇲
فلوجاوي Vlogawy: in the American University in Cairo (AUC
Luis Carlos Sanchez: Beautiful campus
Ahmed Mahmoud: The staff called Mona Amer at the psychology department is a harasser, and harasses and cyberbullies those who sent an inquiring email to the psychology department.Not only that, but she defamed a mental health patient using a Facebook group she owns, and this is illegal, unethical and unacceptable. And this defamation has been noted and saved for legal purposes.This person is highly not recommended, and is a harasser and it is great that she was removed from being the head of the psychology department.This person should treat students with respect and the support needed, instead of harassing them and defaming them and trying to provoke and annoy them, and she should seek mental health help herself for her mental issues.An employee named Mona Amer in the Department of Psychology is a harasser, harasser, and cyberbully who sent an email inquiring to the Department of Psychology.Not only that, but she defamed a mental patient by using a Facebook group, which is illegal, immoral and unacceptable. This defamation has been noted and filed for legal purposes.This person comes highly unrecommended, and it's great that she's excluded from the position of Chair of the Department of Psychology.This person should treat the students with the respect and support required, instead of harassing, defaming, trying to provoke and annoy them, and she should seek mental health help herself for her mental problems.
DIFFERENT TV: Genius factory in Egypt and the Arab world
sherif galal: A wonderful Campus with great landscape and interior
Islam Elgamal: Excellent, perfectly organized place
مي عماد عبد الكريم: Wonderful campus one of the best universities i ever entered
جهاد صلاح: جميل جداً
Hamza Hayah: مكان رائع
Abdallah Elgioushy: Good
Sameh Hagras: What an amazing event is the NILETESOL 2023
joo tube: جامعة جميله جدا
Med: Good place with good facilities and helpful staff
asma ramadan: Veiled women are allowed to enterThere is a place for prayerBathrooms in most placesDrinks and meals are expensiveThe halls are very far from each otherLate hours allowedLibraries, gym, playgrounds and other sports area are availableThe tour guide is available in most placesMost of the lecturers are excellent
Mahmoud Elshamy: It was amazing 🤩
Khaled Al ashmway: رائعة جدا
Dr-Tarek Elewah: ممتاز
Abubakar Sadiq Ja'afar: Best school in cairo

8. Cairo University

· 1856 reviews

1 شارع الجامعة الجيزة, 12613, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp
Cairo University: what do users think?
hassan Alsaid hassan (hassan abosaif): رائعه
Shaelie: سيء
Osama Ahmad: أعرق جامعات الشرق الأوسط والجامعة الأولى عربيا نتمنى منها أسترداد الريادة والمحافظة ع التقدم
mohammed omara: Kx
mohamed elsoaf: My old university
william reath: Is the best university in Egypt and is the third in Africa i love it
Jana Hesham: My university and my favorite place
ali hussein: The best university in the Middle East and Africa
Khalid Gamal El-leithy: sure sweet
Free Mind: Nicc
محمد حلمي: An ancient university
нαiτнαм هيثم: My college and I'm proud
Mohammed khamees: Historical educational edifice
Sayed pendary pendary: أقدم جامعة في الشرق الأوسط
أكلات لذيذة مع فاطيما: good place to study and very good to improve my English at courses
Ahmed Osama: اعظم صرح علمي في 🇪🇬
Abdelrahman Karam (bode83a): ❤️✨
Mostafa Taha: ممتازه
Tarek Basha: جامعة رائده 👍

9. Cairo American College

· 109 reviews

Midan Digla Maadi, 1 Street 253, Maadi, Cairo Governorate 11431, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp
Cairo American College: what do users think?
Kenneth: Attended CAC from 2004 - 2013... Best school that has shaped me into who I am today. I can vividly remember the days I hung out with friends I made on the first day I attended! It would be awesome going back and seeing the place like I've seen it. I will never forget this school for all it has provided me.
Maxwell: Great school graduated in 1632
Amanda Henline: This place was just amazing, best school ever!
Janice Moore: One of the best experiences of my life. The culture, students and faculty helped me to assimilate into the culture. It also helped my future education endeavors and I now have two advanced degrees. It will always be "home" to me and I look forward to returning. Thanks for the memories!
bret larson: Went to third grade here in 1972. Learned judo and Arabic, not enough to spar or hold a conversation but for somebody from a small town in the prairies of Alberta it was a change of pace.I also learned to read. I was having a problem with reading as my school in Canada was trying a new age experiment. When you read in class you were to substitute words for their synonyms. This had put me behind. The cure was read every night with my mother. Seemed to work fine. This object lesson has stuck with me all this time.Its not rocket science.Thanks for showing me how to learn.
Explore MyHood: Vibrant school with strong multicultural mix. Great in academics and welcoming to new students from many countries
jonathan sawa: This school was special, i was there from kindergarten till highschool graduation. I wouldn't have picked anywhere else to go. Class of 2008
Mai Badr: Unforgettable. I'd love to repeat it.
Lea Kau: Meilleure école de la maternelle jusqu'au lycée.Prépare les élèves pour le IB ( international baccalaureat).Les enfants sont épanouis et font de multiples activités extra-scolaires.En tant que parents, nous sommes heureux de voir nos enfants épanouis.Aussi, nous recommandons chaleureusement cette école.
Elena Baca: It was a real privilege to go to CAC and be part of the Maadi community in the seventies. I lived in both Maadi & New Maadi when there was barely anything there. I don't think any of us realized what a tight and long-lasting connection we were making within the CAC community. Many of us are still frequently in touch with friends & teachers from then. When I tell people that we traveled to Europe with French Club, cross country/track, or VB team, they don't believe it.I loved that I could just walk to my friends' houses, that there were events on school campus even during the summer, and that if I forgot a book after school or on weekends, I could jump the school fence and get it! We were there before any serious school security at the gate or even dress codes, which is wild to think about when I visit now. I recall walking around in bare feet even! No shoes, no problem! Ma'alesh! See evidence below. I spent 11 years of my life in Egypt, 7 of them at CAC. It was an unforgettable and wonderful period of my life.
dalia sultan: Best school ever!
Baris Meurer: I like.
Bilal Sandeela: I have nothing but good things to say about my childhood years at CAC.
Omar Mohamed: Great School
karem farouk: نظام وتعليم عالي الجوده
Shaul gabriel: בית ספר מעולה , בזמן שלמדתי 1981/2 המורים והצוות היו מעולים.שלל פעילויות , אירועי ספורט ולימוד מתקדם.אני בטוח שאם היינו נשארים במיצריים לימודים בבית ספר זה היו מקנים לי ערכים מידע ולימודים הכי טובים להמשך דרכי.קצת מזה נתפס בי.
Abdelrhman Adel: It is good colleage
Mike Staley: Professional, family orientated, integrity of leadership, and children come first. Great school to learn, grow, and form lifelong friendships.
Xuefeng jin: 儿子游泳比赛的地方 美国🇺🇸老牌学校 设施完善 老师优秀 学费也很高,
Islam Salah Montaser: The most expensive school in Egypt
Kristen Potter: Pretty campus and great education.

10. Helen O'Grady Academy

· 10 reviews
Website WhatsApp

11. The British International School, Cairo

· 70 reviews

Km 38, Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road, Beverly Hills, 6th of October, 12451, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp

12. Academy Of Arts

· 232 reviews

Khatem El-Morsaleen, Al Omraneyah Al Gharbeyah, El Omraniya, Giza Governorate, Egypt

Address WhatsApp

13. Cairo Film Production

· 5 reviews

43 Lebanon street, Giza Governorate 12411, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp

14. Pakistan International School

· 15 reviews

29 Taha Hussein, Mohammed Mazhar, Zamalek, Giza Governorate, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp

15. Smart Village Schools

· 57 reviews

Cairo-Alex desert road, sixth of october B149, smart village, KM28 Egypt, Cairo Governorate 11311, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp

16. School Of Sciences & Engineering

· 1 reviews

ش Al Kasr Al Aini, Ad Dawawin, Abdeen, Cairo Governorate, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp

17. CAD Masters - كاد ماسترز للكورسات الهندسية والجرافيك

· 163 reviews

2 Hasan Afify, Makram Ebeid, Manteqet Al Cinema, Nasr City, Cairo Governorate, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp

18. Reachout Academy

· 61 reviews

17 Boulos Hanna, Ad Doqi A, Dokki, Giza Governorate 12611, Egypt

Address Website

19. Deutsche Evangelische Oberschule Kairo

· 88 reviews

6 ش الدقى, Ad Doqi, Giza District, Giza Governorate, Egypt

Address WhatsApp

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