Best Parks To Celebrate Birthdays In Cairo Near Me

Al Azhar Park Aquarium Grotto Garden Khan el-Khalili Cairo Tower KidZania Cairo The Hanging Church The Egyptian Museum Family Park Mosque of Muhammad Ali The Grill Gayer-Anderson Museum Adrenalin Park, Egypt Pool Grill Saigon Restaurant & Lounge Giza Necropolis Ruby Tuesday SACHI Heliopolis We Rock The Spectrum Kids Gym - Cairo


1. Al Azhar Park

· 24512 reviews

Salah Salem St, El-Darb El-Ahmar, Cairo Governorate, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp
Al Azhar Park: what do users think?
محمد دهبي: Beautiful clean and picturesque
Tarek Ghaith: Al-Azhar Park is one of the largest parks in Greater Cairo and one of the largest and most beautiful parks in the world. It is located on an area of ​​80 acres that was used in the past as a stable for police cavalry. The project was announced in 1984 and opened to visitors in 2005, as it took more than 7 years to build at a total cost of more than 100 million pounds.
آدم حسام: Picnic area: مكان جميل ومريح للنفسيه
tamer fuad: Very nice place Al-Azhar Park
Ahmed Asaad: Very beautiful place and complete calm
Mohamed Elmufty: Thanks for the great service
Hadeer Elsayed: This place is very good to spend a time with family and friends..and enjoy with sunset in old Cairo.. ♥✨
Mostafa Shaban: Very nice and interesting place
Ayman Elmasry: أفضل منتزه في القاهره حاليآ ومناسب جدآ للاطفال
Mohamed Badran: بشكر رجاله الامن في المكان ، منتهي الذوق والاحترام والرقي والامانه في التعامل مع الناس
محمد سليمان حسن 7792: رائعه
Saied Radwan: حديقة جميلة بكل المقاييس
omar mostafa: amazing
Yasmin Mahmoud: The place has a lot of psychological comfort and a different atmosphere that separates you from the whole world. The food there is very good. The workers are kind and helpful. The garden has many real places. The decor in itself is from another world.Picnic area: وجود الكثير من الأماكن المناسبة لعمل جلسات تصوير بخلفيات فريدة ومميزة
Benedicte Ladjevardi: Très beau parc avec une vue magnifique sur le Caire, à ne pas manquer en fin de journée avec le couché de soleil 😍
محمود ابوعقده: What a beautiful and wonderful garden, but the problem is that the fees are high
Maria Antonia: Muy bonito
Ahmed Ali: جميله جداً
Samir Madeny: مكان جميل
Ahmed Mohamed: Not perfect, but acceptable to some extent
Laurent MERCIER: Un des rares endroits calmes du Caire avec de la verdure et une vue sur la mosquée de la Citadelle. Merveilleux le soir.

2. Aquarium Grotto Garden



· 3260 reviews

El Gabalaya St, Al Gabalayah, Zamalek, Cairo Governorate, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp
Aquarium Grotto Garden: what do users think?
Ahmed Mostafa: مكان جميل يحتاج إلى الاهتمام
Mohamed Gamal: حديقه رائعه وجميله
Ahmed Fahd: رائع
Andreas Kreuzer: It is a, well, astonishing place. You would not expect grottes and kliffs in the middle of Cairo. Green florishing trees and palms in the foreground, highriser buildings in the background.This could be really an amazing place!Unfortunately, it is in a very bad state. Rubbish lying around everywhere, broken windows at some exhibition caves, everything dusty and dirty.Finally, the aquariums with real fish are just cruelty to the animals.But with an entrance fee of just 20,- EGP just go there and judge yourself.The bats are an experience in any case!
King Lithe: مكان جميل وواسع للاسترخاء والاستجمام وهادئ جدا
Amal Mohamed: أكتر مكان بحبه في الزمالك..يعرها بسيط ومناسبة لكل العيلة وفيها مافيتريا بسيطة بتقدم مشروبات معقولة ولطيفةالمكان عريق ويستحق الزيارة
المصرى المصرى المصرى: ممتاز
Mostafa Said: جميل بس محتاج اهتمام شويه
Enas Elhoufy: حديقة الأسماك فى منطقة الزمالك التى كانت فى الأصل جزيرتين منفصلتين ظهرتا فى وسط النيل فى القرن الخامس عشر الميلادى وقد تم اتصال الجزيرتين فى أواخر القرن الثامن عشر الميلادى حيث تأثر شكل وحجم الجزيرة بالتغيرات التى نتجت عن تحويل مجرى النيل هندسيا من الضفة الغربية إلى الشرقية وكانت تعرف بجزيرة بولاق واهتم الخديو إسماعيل بهذه الجزيرة ضمن مشروعه باريس الشرق فقام بإنشاء كوبرى قصر النيل ليربط الزمالك بالقاهرة وكوبرى الجلاء لربطها بالجيزة وأصبحت فى عهده من الأحياء الراقية ومقرا للصفوة والأجانبوعندما التقى المسيو الفاند مدير منتزهات باريس طلب منه إنشاء حدائق بالقاهرة على غرار حدائق باريس وتم إنشاء حديقة الأسماك على مساحة ثمانية أفدنة عام 1867 بشارع الجبلاية وأطلق عليها الناس فى البداية اسم حديقة الجبلاية حيث أنها تتخذ الحديقة شكل السمكة بداية من فتحتى الخياشيم عند المدخل وخلفهما يوجد البهو وخلف الزعانف على الجانبين توجد أربعة ممرات وهناك فى الجانب الشرقى للحديقة شكل دائرة وهى من الداخل على شكل ممرات أو تجاويف داخل شعاب مرجانية وعند مرور الهواء داخل هذه الممرات يصنع أصواتا تشبه صوت خرير الماءكل ده موجود على قناتي عروسة البحر هالة محمود المنشور حلو اوى لانه بيبن اد ايه عندنا حاجات جميلهوتضم الحديقة التى تطل واجهتها على النيل 49 حوضا للأسماك مابين النيلية والبحرية والزينة بعضها ما زال يعمل وأخرى للأسماك المحنطة ومناطق تضم أنواعا من السلاحف والزواحف التى تعيش فى المستنقعات والأنهار وتوجد بالحديقة أشجار نادرةفتاريخ إنشائها يعود ها إلى العام 1867 عندما طلب الخديوي إسماعيل من مدير متنزهات باريس إحضار أحد الخبراء لتصميم حديقة تكون على شكل جبلاية حيث تم استخدام مادة الطين الأسواني المجلوب من أسوان بصعيد مصر والرمل الأحمر والمواد الداعمة لإنشاء الحديقة على شكل جبلاية ما جعلها قيمة معمارية حتى ظهرت على هيئة خياشيم الأسماك ولما ظهرت على هذه الصورة تم إعدادها لتكون حديقة للأسماك واتخذ تصميمها ما يشبه السمكة تكون من فتحتين تشبهان فتحتَي الخياشيم وخلفهما منطقة البهو وعلى جانبَي الفتحتين زعنفتان جانبيتان خلفهما ممرات الحديقةوفي ظل هذا التصميم الفريد يجد الزائر في واجهة الحديقة حوضا كبيرا يحتوي العديد من الأسماك المفترسة ومن الأنواع التي تثير فضول الزائرين ما يطلق عليه سمك الخنزير وسمك القرش ويطلق على الحديقة حديقة الجبلاية نسبة إلى أحواضها التي تأخذ شكل الجبلاية فيما أطلق لاحقا على الشارع الواقعة فيه نفس الاسم الجبلاية وتتميز من الداخل بمغارات وممرات حتى يسهل على الزائرين السير فيها لمشاهدة الصناديق الزجاجية وتحتوي هذه الصناديق على مجموعات متنوعة ونادرة من الأسماك النيلية والبحرية وأسماك الزينة تنعكس عليها أشعة الشمس عبر فتحات علويةبينما يتم تسليط الأضواء الكهربائية عليها بطريقة فنية في الأوقات المظلمة ما يزيد المشهد جمالا وعلى بعد أمتار قليلة من صناديق الأسماك يجد الزائر نفسه أمام ممرات تفصلها مسطحات خضراء تفضل العائلات الزائرة للحديقة السير فيها والاستمتاع بها وهو ما يجده الأطفال فرصة للعب في أرجائها ويبدي كثير من الزائرين إعجابهم بهذه الأجواء من المرح التي يجدونها في الحديقة غير أنها لم تعد تتمتع بكثافة الزائرين وعلاوة على ذلك فإن كثيرين من المصريين لا يعرفون الحديقة ويؤكد مواطنون من سكان مدينتَي القاهرة والجيزة أنهم لم يسمعوا أصلا عن مثل هذه الحديقة وأنهم فقط لا يعرفون سوى حديقة الحيوان بالجيزةومن أحدث الأفلام التي صُورت في الحديقة فيلم «جنينة الأسماك»، وماتنسوش اعزائي أن فيلم القلب له احكام بطوله الفنانه فاتن حمامة والفنان احمد رمزي اتصور هناكوتتمتع حديقة الأسماك بكافتيريا مفتوحة على الهواء الطلق يتوسطها جدول صغير من الماء تسبح فيه أسراب من البط والإوز ويهوى الكثير من زوار الحديقة الجلوس فيها والاستمتاع بمنظر طبيعي جميل
Camille Lescaudron: Endroit peu fréquenté au moment où nous nous y sommes promené (matin).L'endroit est plutôt délabré à première vue, mais il ne faut pas se laisser avoir par la première impression quand on y rentre : la seconde partie du parc est un genre de labyrinthe de grottes artificielles, on a adoré y flâner et s'y perdre !Une énorme grotte abrite des chauve-souris et un genre d'aquarium presque abandonné avec des animaux empaillés/plastique, on est entre le musée et l'urbex.La vue au dessus des grottes est assez unique, entre flore tropicale et décors urbain délabré (un genre de mini central parc au style du Caire). Il y a aussi quelques fleurs tropicales pour les amateurs, des bassins couverts avec des poissons, et un petit bâtiment avec des mini aquariums, crocodiles et tortues. Au passage il est à noter que la condition de vie des animaux y est vraiment mauvaise, les vivariums sont des petits aquariums de la taille d'une boîte. Une personne vous proposera peut-être de vous faire visiter une partie du parc, il est bon de savoir à l'avance qu'il vous demandera un tips à la fin.Avis aux amateurs d'endroits insolites le temps d'une promenade. L'entrée est très abordable : 20LE par personne.
Mohamed Rostom: Need to develop the loss of non-use of the site and archaeological trees
mohamed asem: Unfortunately, a strong monster place - it's all neglected - to the point that it's full of bats and crows - something like the movies when you get a monster place that brings bats and crows in it - I wish any investor would take the place and develop it
samar mohammed: The most important thing that one should know is that the fish garden does not have fish as we expect 💔😂But the place is very nice, and it is useful to take very nice pictures
Isra' Ahmed: Suitable for dogs walk.
Eslam Slama: An excellent place suitable for the family. It opens at 9 o’clock and closes at 5 o’clock, but they start taking visitors out at 4.5 o’clock. It has a number of stunning views and there is a house for bats and a lake with geese and large colorful fish that you can feed. Also, there is what is called the factory, and there are a number of small ornamental fish, small crocodiles, turtles, some mummified foods, Nile fish farms, and others.Advice when going, take some bread with you to feed the fish in the big pond
فرس عربى: lousy
Nur Hany: Very beautiful
Zeina Abou El Fetouh: Very nice garden space, facilities need renovation
mezo sol: جيد جداًPicnic area: مساحات كبيره للتنزه
Mahmoud Abdallah: محتاج اهتمام

3. Khan el-Khalili

· 30478 reviews

El-Gamaleya, El Gamaliya, Cairo Governorate 4331302, Egypt

Khan el-Khalili: what do users think?
Adrian Almiron: un lugar con muchas tiendas para comprar cosas artesanales y algo de ropa de varones de mujeres hay muy poca el horario es de 9 a 17hs donde estan abiertos todos los locales
Ali Jali: كل ما تحتاجه تحت سقف واحدكل اللي يخطر ببالكيوجد قهاوي شعبيه جميله جدا
majd bub: سوق شعبي فيه مختلف المنتجات و الهدايا من ملابس وفخاريات و عطور و مقاهي شعبية.تجد الباعة المتجولة و المغنين و كل ما تريده في المقاهي.السوق مزدحم و الازقة ضيقة يفضل زيارته بالليل.
Ibrahim Alnughaymishi: جميل
Murat Aksu: Like grand bazaar in Turkey, nice souvenirs. A bit hassle and need to bargain for the prices. But good experience for a foreigner. Crowded even at nights.
ايهاب الجندي: The best car mats in Egypt
Khalid Alghamdi: Historic, and it needs more time. Its best time is in Ramadan
Safa: It is a very popular place, and you are better off not bringing expensive things with you and things you are afraid of.Al-Fishawi and Naguib Mahfouz Coffee is a very nice thing and an enjoyable experience among the beautiful shops and sales of Egyptian needs
咪嘟: 哈里里市场,几乎来过埃及的每位游客都会逛一逛,我觉得更应该看的是它周围的一些老建筑,至于小商品嘛 ,百分之八九十都是中国制造
Waled Ahmed: wonderful place
ahmed montaser: A place with ancient history and heritage
Wael Elnemr: A special place with a fragrant history, shops for antiques, antiques, and silver and gold artifacts
Jessica Egarin: A must-see place in the heart of old Cairo! The cab dropped us on the other side of the street. Crossing the road is not an option unless one wants to die! There is an underground passage to safely cross the street and get to the Souk. Please choose that option if it happens to you. Once in the bazaar, we were overwhelmed with scents of spices, incense, fresh mint tea… There are so many treasures to find there! Just go and play it by ear, let the narrow streets lead you wherever they may take you :)Have some cash with you as shops don’t always accept credit cards and when they do, they add an extra 10% to the bill.
ahmed Alnemr: nice place
Mohamed Gomaa: Interesting market, nice to walk around.Crowded to the maximum, not hygienic at all.
Siddharth Das: Busy, over priced tourist trap. Though it has interesting memorabilia and no visit to Cairo is complete without visiting this market
اميرة رجب: Beautiful and all jokes
Hichem Boualem: Bonne 100% touristique
Abbas Babiker: Everything you wish for from historical and folkloric things, antiques, gifts, gold, cotton artifacts, pharaonic costumes and silver artifacts

4. Cairo Tower

· 18734 reviews

Zamalek, Cairo Governorate, Egypt

Address WhatsApp
Cairo Tower: what do users think?
Julie Rose: Lovely, relaxing café. It’s worth it.
Mezooo Ksa: Best Viewneed to be more organized for entranceVisited on Weekday Wait time 30–60 min Reservation recommended Yes …More
abdelrahman waly: تجربه رائعه ومكان منظم جداVisited on Weekday Wait time 10–30 min Reservation recommended No …More
Yathreb Tarek: Visited on Public holiday Wait time 10–30 min Reservation recommended Not sureMore
Ahmad Lotfy Ahmad: Fantastic view of the greater Cairo area
Nick D'Amico: If your not at a hotel with a view of the Nile River . Then go up . But if you are then it's all goodReservation recommended Not sure …More
awad ibrahem: Visited on Weekday Wait time 10–30 min Reservation recommended Not sureMore
Jumin Lee: 해 지기 1시간 전 쯤가서 보다가 아래층 카페에서 잠시 쉬고, 해진 뒤 야경 구경하면 좋습니다.
Fahad Alhammadi: sky cafe menuVisited on Weekend Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended No …More
Katerina Koliou: Nice view but it only has the view nothing elseVisited on Weekend Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended Not sure …More
amr mansoor: Visited on Weekend Wait time 10–30 min Reservation recommended YesMore
abood mohammed: sweet
romy aopa: Visited on Weekday Wait time 1 hr+ Reservation recommended YesMore
Ahmed Saber: Highest building in CairoVisited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …More
Mohamed farrag: Cairo Tower is one of the most beautiful landmarks in EgyptYou will see Cairo from aboveA view of great magnificence and beautyThe Nile River and its greatnessamazing
Dr.Mohamed Salah: Wonderful place
Oussama Ayyach: Amazing vue !
Samer Habash: One of the nicest places I've visited
Emad Eldin Rizk: Nice tourist attraction
Ирина Карпова: Очень красивая локация для фото и просмотра Каира
Abdallah Belaat: Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Not sureMore

5. KidZania Cairo

· 6690 reviews

Plot 10A05, Cairo Festival City, 5th Settlement New Cairo, Cairo Governorate 11341, Egypt

Address Website
KidZania Cairo: what do users think?
Youssef Refaat Gouda: A more than excellent place
Mahmound Shaarawy: Amazing place for kids, the staff are very friendly, your kid can enjoy working as policeman, doctor, delivery, reporter, jouelrnalist and many other jobs. Everything is clean and organized.Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …More
Mary Barsoum: Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Not sureMore
ايهاب زيدان: fantastic place
Muhammed Hassen: Great fun while also teaching kids practical points (what to do in a fire) and helps them appreciate money and time as valuable commodities.Overly commercialized and materialistic though
Aisha Mohammed: Busy in the summer vacation , friendly staff and organziedVisited on Weekday Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended Yes …More
ilham ahmet: Excellent place for children and very safe
Michael Sabry: rigidWait time No wait …More
amr samir: Visited on Weekday Wait time No waitMore
Ghada El Ghally: It is very sweet for all children, it teaches them how to work, and it has many fun activities
ahmed alex: It was a great place for kids to have funVisited on Public holiday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes …More
Tulin Gomaa: Visited on Weekend Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended YesMore
Salah Faisal: The place is more than wonderful for children to live the life of adultsThere are many professions and adult experiences
marawan moustafa: Very nice experience 👌Visited on Public holiday Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended Not sure …More
Michael Gendy: Do not recommendStaff not professional and do not have a clue how to deal with kids!!!No refund for tickets and all they care about is money!!!Low standard of service!!Load music and not kids friendly !Used to be an organised place 4 years agoBefore you hire people for that place make sure you select them and teach them well and be selective ( pay them well ! Tickets are not cheap)Also limit the number of visitors and make the sessions timed ( certain number of kids according to the capacity of the place ,for 3 hours max )Do Not visit please
Fatima Erroussi: Visited on Public holiday Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended YesMore
youssef Karim: Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended YesMore
Cassy Maktabi: I'm American and have never experienced this style of kids entertainment. No adults were allowed as the kids went through realistic career experiences. They had a blast and us adults went and enjoyed some peace time at the mall.Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait …More
Moez Eldin Ahmed: Very good place for the whole family but if it's your first time be prepared to spend a bit more of you want to get a pazzport
Wht The Wht: A lot of fun for a fraction of the price compared to other locations around the world.
DR. MOHAMED GABER: Hesham good

6. The Hanging Church

· 3638 reviews

Kom Ghorab, Old Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt

Address Website
The Hanging Church: what do users think?
Mehany Farag: A spiritual shrine and an archaeological church with archaeological icons
Mª Pilar Cañón Blanco: Muy curiosa
Alessandra Ferronato: Very special place, full of history!
Haris Mimin: Amat terkesan
Omar Omar: مكان اثري لا بس به
Begoña Martín Hernández: Muy bonita
Remon Adel: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Teresa Romagosa: Es un.museo petit, pero ibteressant
Oana-Mihaela Paulsen: For all visitors in Old Cairo, this is aMUST...
Paula Garcia Celis: Interesting place...
Fred G.: Eglise copte bâtie sur un bâtiment romain. L'église à elle seule peut valoir le détour, toutefois les autres bâtiments alentour du quartier complèteront la visite.
Emil Ebrahim: so beautiful
May “May” Balhawan: Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended NoMore
Sergio Ciarrocchi: Una experiencia extraordinaria, estar en un lugar donde descanso por si paso por el Cairo, la virgen María, José y Jesus
Malcolm Gompertz: Interesante iglesia copta. Edificada sobre otra construcción anterior
Ramy Ne: ❤️🙏
Monique Linckens: Dat de kerk "hangt" is niet helemaal waar. De kerk is gebouwd op 2 voormalig Romeinse torens. Jozef, Maria en hun kindje Jezus zouden er geschuild hebben na hun vlucht ivm zgn. de kindermoord.
Kea M Johnston MA: Beautiful church in Old Cairo. Read about it before you go to know what you are looking at.
اسامه ابوالوفا: مكان اثرى

7. The Egyptian Museum

· 33073 reviews

شارع ماريت باشا، ميدان التحرير, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp
The Egyptian Museum: what do users think?
Ricardo cesar: Visited on Weekday Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended NoMore
Mariana Miteva: With was brilliantVisited on Weekday Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended Yes …More
Bernd Schneider: Sehr interessant. Kann Ich nur weiterempfehlen. Eintritt ist auch nicht teuer.
Vivian Simms: Wait time No waitMore
hazem alazme: A wonderful place .. takes us back to the ancient Egyptian antiquities and the creativity of the ancient Egyptians in the art of sculpture and its development in their time, in addition to the excellent service in this place
Dean boy: Cool artefacts and objects but they are not always labelled so not too sure what you’re looking at. No maps online or within the museum which can be tricky when trying to find specific objects.
هبه عوده: Entry to the Egyptian and the Arab is 30 pounds, the order is 10 pounds, the Egyptian or the foreigner is 200 pounds
Abdulwahid Alismail: It is clear that there is no interest in the museum. Some sections of the museum have accumulated a lot of dust, perhaps due to the opening of the new museum, and perhaps for other reasons
Eduardo Espinosa: Excelente, muchas información, es increíble lo que hicieron nuestros antepasados
Charles: Amazing museum but impossible to find specific things if you are looking for them. No website / guidebook for individual itemsVisited on Weekday Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended No …More
Martha Nefcy: Fabulous museum. I needed more time thereVisited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …More
Vicente Regulez: Antiguo museo de el Cairo, sigue teniendo una inmensidad de piezas aunque algunas se van llevando al nuevo museo desde hace bastante tiempo, pero hasta que no se inaugure el nuevo, este es de obligada visita. Se puede fotografiar todo excepto los restos encontrados de Tutankamón, sala vigilada, donde está expresamente prohibido.
Annateresa D.: Le Caire est la capitale égyptienne nichée sur les rives du Nil.Cette ville, berceau de l'histoire et de la culture, en plus d'être la plus grande et la plus importante d'Égypte, est l'une des plus fascinantes au monde.Des pyramides pharaoniques, aux grandes mosquées, en passant par les musées où repose l'histoire de l'Égypte ancienne, les eaux douces du Nil qui surprend par ses paysages, Le Caire est une destination qui fascine tout type de voyageur.Visiter Le Caire demande du temps et de la préparation, voici quelques conseils sur ce qu'il faut visiter : la nécropole de Gizeh, le site archéologique le plus important et le plus connu de toute l'Égypte.A seulement 20 kilomètres du centre du Caire, se trouvent la pyramide de Chephren, la pyramide de Menkaure, le célèbre Sphinx et la pyramide de Khéops, l'une des sept merveilles du monde antique.Le musée égyptien, la mosquée Muhammad Ali, la mosquée al-Azhar, le souk Khan el-Khalili et la tour du Caire.
Abdelrahman Ezzat: A distinguished place on the level of Egypt and the level of the world 🤩💟
eve harrison: Everyone shoul visit the museum when going to Cairo..Visited on Weekend …More
pepi mpezirgianni: Impressive museum, you can admire thousands of ancient art crafts of the Egyptian civilization. The most of display items are treasures from the graves of their ancestors and the pyramids.Visited on Weekday Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended Yes …More
osama manadilu: There is no comparison between it and the Grand Museum
David Martins: Musée magnifique avoir absolument.

8. Family Park

· 15533 reviews

مدخل الرحاب 2 ) الكيلو 26،, Suez Rd, Egypt

Address WhatsApp
Family Park: what do users think?
ayman salyh: A place to implement the provisions of the vision
samsam Garman: T

9. Mosque of Muhammad Ali

· 3418 reviews

Al Abageyah, El-Khalifa, Cairo Governorate, Egypt

lawyer Sakkara: Archaeological area
Adept Photography: Amazing mosque 🕌 but you won't get in if you are not a Muslim and even then no photo 📸
Sayed Ashrf: A beautiful and wonderful Islamic museum and mosque
Marisa notengoniidiea: Preciosa, 😍, visita imprescindible y cuenta con un mirador espectacular sobre la ciudad desde donde se ven incluso las piramides.
Mahmoud El Saadany: It needs more care, development, and the involvement of specialists in managing the place
Virginie Prioux: Mosquée somptueuse !Visite incontournable. Elle n’est plus un lieu de culte donc inutile de se couvrir pour rentrer. Le port de sur-chaussures est obligatoire. Ou bien on enlève ses chaussures…Construite dans la citadelle où il n’y a pas grand chose à voir sauf le musée de la police. Mais la vue est splendide.On a pris un taxi qui nous dépose en bas de la citadelle et tout peut se faire en marchant, ce n’est pas très grand.
Jeanine Medema: Je hebt nog nooit zo iets moois gezien
Omar Abdelaziz: You will always love to go there …
Zuhair Wehbeh: The historical castle
Vanesa Millon Garcia: Sencillamente espectacular. Es una experiencia obligada en la vida. Maravillosa
James Cook: A active Mosque with history. Head coverings suggested for female visitors.
Redkat KGB: Wonderful and peaceful place 🙏
Ian Borthwick: Beautiful alabaster mosque modelled on Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. Not a patch on the original, bit definitely a must visit when in Cairo.
Peter “WallStreet” Henderson: A notable stop for any of the "faithful" and individuals with open-minded interest!
مصطفى محمود: A wonderful place with the spirit of the ancient past
Κώστας Γραμμενίδης: Καλό και μεγάλο τζαμί κυρίως επειδή είναι σε ύψωμα προτρέπει να το επισκεφτείς.... οριακά αξίζει τα λεφτά του εισιτηρίου
Kamini Moodley: Exquisite
Ahmed Hammad: Without a doubtOne of the best mosques in Egypt that have the most extraordinary interiors and full of detailsA must visit place which will amaze you
Margarita Contreras mendoza: Hermoso 🤩
Javier Avellán: Fantástico

10. The Grill

· 295 reviews

Semiramis InterContinental, Cornich, El Nile, Cairo Governorate 11511, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp

11. Gayer-Anderson Museum

· 858 reviews

أحمد بن طولون طولون, As Sayedah, El-Sayeda Zainab, Egypt

Address WhatsApp

12. Adrenalin Park, Egypt

· 1034 reviews

Street 3, Gate 1, El Hezam El Akhdar, infront of Beverly Hills Inside Agriculture Company area, Giza Governorate 12588, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp

13. Pool Grill

· 62 reviews

1089 Corniche El Nil Cairo, 11519, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp

14. Saigon Restaurant & Lounge

· 233 reviews

Fairmont Nile City, Nile City Towers - 2005 B, Corniche El Nil, Ramlet Beaulac, Cairo Governorate 11311, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp

15. Giza Necropolis

· 62858 reviews

Al Haram, Giza Governorate, Egypt


16. The Nile Ritz-Carlton, Cairo

· 13733 reviews

1113 Corniche El Nil, Ismailia, Qasr El Nil, Cairo Governorate 11221, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp

17. Ruby Tuesday

· 32 reviews

121 Nile St, Ad Doqi A, Dokki, Giza Governorate, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp

18. Cairo Marriott Hotel & Omar Khayyam Casino

· 16104 reviews

Saray El, Gezira St, Omar Al Khayam, Zamalek, Cairo Governorate 11211, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp

19. SACHI Heliopolis

· 1221 reviews

3, Cleopatra St،, Korba،El-Montaza،, Heliopolis, Cairo Governorate, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp

20. We Rock The Spectrum Kids Gym - Cairo

· 5 reviews

90 Street Inside Lakehouse The Club, Cairo Governorate, Egypt

Address Website WhatsApp

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